Tag Archive: Burn

Chemical Burn Injuries: Treatment and Recovery

Different types of chemical burns frequently occur in U.S. A recent report reveals that chemical burns account for 3% to 6% of burn center admissions annually.  Generally, these types of burns might occur at home as a result of accidental exposure to dangerous chemicals. They also occur in the workplace. Sometimes, chemicals are used as a weapon in different forms of assault. Keep in mind that chemical burns can be mild or severe.

Strong acids and strong bases are some of the chemicals that can cause serious injuries. Some of these chemicals include metal cleaners, drain cleaners, bleach, toilet bowl, and more. In the workplace, some chemicals that might cause severe injuries to include acetic acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and more.

According to medical experts, chemical burns can be deceiving. At first glance, you may not realize that you have suffered a serious injury, but the symptoms …