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How Cavities Can Impact Children’s Teeth

Whether your child is 1 or 11, their dental health is important.

Your child’s baby teeth begin erupting (or coming in) around three months after birth and will continue growing in through age 5 or 6. From age 6 through 12, their baby teeth will fall out as their permanent come in and replace them.

Unfortunately, many parents don’t see the purpose or value of their child’s baby teeth. The myth that you don’t have to care about the health of your child’s baby teeth is prevalent. It is an easy myth to believe in as the baby teeth fall out on their own eventually and are replaced.

Tooth decay (cavities) are the most prevalent, preventable childhood disease as noted by Center for Disease Control 1 out of 5 children, ages 6-11 will have at least one cavity on their baby teeth.

Why are cavities on teeth a big deal?