CBD Merchant Account

What Happens To Your Body When You Consume CBD

Affecting both physical and emotional ailments, CBD is a complicated compound that is spoken about a lot in today’s culture.

One of the things that is unknown about CBD is how it works and why it relieves so many different conditions. Though experts aren’t even close to understanding all there is to know about CBD, these are some facts and answers to how CBD interacts with one’s body.

Influencing cannabinoid receptors

Scientists understand that CBD attaches itself to cannabinoid receptors in our bodies. Cannabinoid receptors regulate many different behaviors in our body’s, such as appetite, pain, moods and even our memory. This is why CBD affects people in so many different ways, emotional and physical.

CBD is an anti-inflammatory, which means it can reduce pain. This doesn’t mean it completely eliminates it, however it certainly can make it more manageable. Scientists understand that CBD should not be taken as a replacement for other kinds of treatments or medications and that it works best when taken as a supplement.

In situations of anxiety and mood disorders, many believe that CBD is non-psychoactive, which is not really true. The Project CBD states: “If CBD can relieve anxiety or depression or psychosis, then obviously cannabidiol is a profound mood-altering substance, even if it doesn’t deliver much by way of euphoria. Perhaps it would be better to say that CBD is ‘not psychoactive like THC, rather than repeating the familiar and somewhat misleading refrain that “CBD is not psychoactive.”

Influencing sleep and gastrointestinal issues

There has been mixed evidence on whether CBD can help gastrointestinal issues. One study has suggested that CBD might help treat people with GERD by slowing down acid reflux. However if taken in high doses or if experiencing an ill reaction to CBD, some side effects have included nausea and diarrhea.

The data for CBD and sleep is interesting because it appears that it helps patients sleep better especially when they also suffer from anxiety or stress. By treating both those symptoms, CBD may help you get better sleep.

Could have adverse reactions if taken with other drugs

Unfortunately one of CBD’s biggest downsides is that when consumed in very high doses it can interact with other medications that someone may be taking. This can be especially bad for someone who suffers from a chronic illness and or other conditions where someone is taking different medications.

Though we have all heard about CBD, what do we really know about it? What are it’s benefits and what do we need to be careful with?

Author Bio: Blair Thomas has been a music producer, bouncer, screenwriter and for over a decade has been the proud Co-Founder of eMerchantBroker, the highest rated CBD Merchant Account provider in the country. He has climbed in the Himalayas, survived a hurricane, and lived on a gold mine in the Yukon. He currently calls Thailand his home with a lifetime collection of his favorite books.